The Fraud Detection System is an advanced data analysis project designed to identify fraudulent credit card transactions by leveraging structured databases and SQL queries. It focuses on detecting suspicious activity in financial transactions by analyzing transaction data, customer demographics, and credit card details. The system uses a series of SQL-based joins and queries to consolidate and examine data across multiple tables, including transaction records, customer profiles, and fraud flags.
By combining these components, the system is able to analyze patterns in the data, such as unusual spending behavior, large transactions, or patterns indicative of fraud. The project also enables businesses and financial institutions to gain insights into customer spending habits, identify high-risk transactions, and reduce the likelihood of financial losses due to fraud.
The Fraud Detection System can be further enhanced through the use of data visualization tools such as Power BI or Tableau, which present the data in an easy-to-understand format, highlighting trends and anomalies. Additionally, the system can incorporate machine learning models for predictive analysis, improving its ability to flag fraudulent transactions in real time.
This project serves as a comprehensive solution for fraud detection, utilizing a combination of data science techniques, relational database management, and automation to protect both consumers and businesses from financial crimes.
-- Create a new database called 'fraud_project'
CREATE DATABASE fraud_project;
-- Select the 'fraud_project' database to use it for queries and table creation
USE fraud_project;
-- Retrieve all records from the 'customerbase' table
FROM customerbase;
-- Retrieve transaction details along with fraud status
SELECT transactionbase.transaction_id,
FROM transactionbase
LEFT JOIN fraudbase
ON transactionbase.transaction_id = fraudbase.transaction_id;
-- Retrieve all records from the 'customerbase' table again
FROM customerbase;
-- Create a new table 'bank_info' by joining multiple tables to consolidate data
SELECT customerbase.cust_id, -- Customer ID
transactionbase.transaction_id, -- Transaction ID
customerbase.age, -- Customer Age
customerbase.customer_segment, -- Customer Segment
transactionbase.transaction_date, -- Date of transaction
transactionbase.transaction_value, -- Transaction amount
cardbase.credit_limit, -- Credit card limit
fraudbase.fraud_flag -- Fraud status (flag)
FROM customerbase
INNER JOIN cardbase
ON customerbase.cust_id = cardbase.cust_id -- Match customers with their cards
INNER JOIN transactionbase
ON cardbase.card_number = transactionbase.credit_card_id -- Match cards with transactions
LEFT JOIN fraudbase
ON transactionbase.transaction_id = fraudbase.transaction_id; -- Attach fraud details if available
-- Drop the 'bank_info' table (removes it permanently)
DROP TABLE bank_info;
-- Convert 'transaction_date' format to a standard date format
UPDATE bank_info
SET transaction_date = STR_TO_DATE(transaction_date, '%d-%b-%y');
-- Ensure 'transaction_date' is stored as a proper DATE type
UPDATE bank_info
SET transaction_date = DATE(transaction_date);
-- Retrieve all records from 'bank_info' after modifications
FROM bank_info;
-- Show the structure of the 'bank_info' table
DESCRIBE bank_info;
-- Modify the 'fraud_flag' column to store text values instead of boolean
ALTER TABLE bank_info
-- Update fraud flag values: change '1' to 'YES' for better readability
UPDATE bank_info
SET fraud_flag = 'YES'
WHERE fraud_flag = 1;
-- Update fraud flag values: change '0' to 'NO'
UPDATE bank_info
SET fraud_flag = 'NO'
WHERE fraud_flag = '0';
-- Retrieve all transactions flagged as fraudulent
FROM bank_info
WHERE fraud_flag = 'YES';
-- Count the number of fraudulent transactions
FROM bank_info
WHERE fraud_flag = 'YES';